Tales from Dimwood Forest - Avi
Tales from Dimwood Forest - Avi
Storming Intrepid - Payne Harrison
Storming Intrepid - Payne Harrison
Growing up, I spent my free time in school reading novel after novel, immersing myself in other worlds. Oftentimes, the artwork would be the first glimpse that would pull me into those worlds.
Here, I chose novels that spoke to me and recreated their covers. I imagined cover art that would make me want to pull the books off of the shelf without a second thought. Using my love for minimalism, I brought out the main elements from the stories onto the cover, hinting to the reader what awaits them inside.
"Locket" - Crumb
"Locket" - Crumb
"Hypersonic Missiles" - Sam Fender
"Hypersonic Missiles" - Sam Fender
"alas..." - KDIMB
"alas..." - KDIMB
Throughout my teen years, my brother and I would go through our photos and make fictional album covers with edgy band names. It seemed that some of the coolest art we would see around was on albums. As I grew up, I found myself studying my favorite album covers, imagining creating my own. 
I chose some of my favorite singles and designed new artwork for them that evoked the sound of the music to me. 
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