"BULLET BOY" by INOHA [Music Video]
The music video for “Bullet Boy” by the local San Antonio indie-rock band, INOHA, served as the first project for 4Sight Visual Productions. With our goal set to compete in the 48 Hour Film Project, we challenged ourselves to create a music video within 48 hours. We couldn’t have picked a better band than INOHA for this, as they were energetic, professional, and excited to be along for the ride.
Our production began on a warm afternoon, outside the locked doors of Pink Zeppelin Books & Records. We met our talent and crew for the first time, and almost immediately began brainstorming. Our idea was to create a direct sequel to the band’s previous music video, “Alucarda”, where the members are picked off one by one by an unseen antagonist. “Bullet Boy” sees the band get resurrected by a mysterious and evil record company executive (Koffin Kitty) that allows them to continue performing at the cost of their souls.
Filming began at Pink Zeppelin, continued at the notorious Devil’s Den, moved to the San Antonio Food Bank, and concluded on the roof of a parking garage at Northwest Vista College. All the while, we hauled our equipment around town, setting up and tearing down quickly as we planned on our feet. Our excitement hit a high note when we wrapped our filming, and shared drinks and tacos.

Although we sought to complete the project in 48 hours, the editing took the better part of three weeks. However, we wanted to ensure that INOHA received the best possible video they could. We premiered the video live at one of the band’s shows, much to the excitement and approval of their awesome fans. 4Sight was now ready to take on anything!
BLUE (2023)
The sci-fi horror short film, “BLUE”, would be the last rehearsal that 4Sight Visual Productions would have before the 48 Hour Film Festival. It also happened to be the smallest crew we worked with. 
On the first day of the production, every present member contributed prompts and placed them in a hat. From this pool of ideas, we picked out the genre of sci-fi horror, a cape as a prop, a hiking trail as the location, and “Is this really how you want to leave?” as the line of dialogue. Following a brainstorming session, we decided to go with a cyber-dystopian look for the short film.  Every costume and prop needed to appear sleek and futuristic, yet worn and tattered, which was my main task for most of the morning.
The next day, as the production team met again at the Devil’s Den while I prepared some props. Once I joined them, we moved quickly to shoot all footage within that day. Being that we had less crew members , we each had to wear multiple hats. For me, this meant that I was not only the producer, but I also ended up acting as the two BLUE androids featured in the film. 
The post-production day was the highlight of the production, as we were in awe every time a new edit was done. We tossed around ideas on how to make it more appealing, each time with excited laughter and determination. In the end, while the film was only four minutes long, it was perhaps my favorite project. We pulled off this project with such a small crew, and several limitations. The 48 Hour Film Project was well within our reach now!
“Rumble Redemption V” was our official entry for the San Antonio 48 Hour Film Project competition. We had talented filmmakers recruited from our other projects, making our team the largest it had been yet. Our assignment was to include an event planner named Jack or Jill Timely, a toothbrush, the line: “don’t forget your hat!” and the genre of Western film.
While the rest of the team planned the plot of the film, I worked on logistics necessary for the next day.  Our plan was set, a fifth sequel in a non-existent cowboy boxing movie franchise — Rumble Redemption V.
We filmed on set at Castillo Boxing Gym. It was over 100°F outside, and we had to turn off the large fans indoors during filming, as they would interfere with our microphones, resulting in 91°F inside the gym.
We filmed the cowboy comedy well into the night, shaping the story of Matteo “El Valiente” Paz (Ashton Simmons) and his dense rival, Rafael "El Bruto" Guerra (Dave Cave).
Our efforts culminated in a quotable short film with two prize category nominations (Best Audio Design; Best VFX).
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